IN THE LAST YEAR: Our 2021 Annual Report

IN THE LAST YEAR: Our 2021 Annual Report

We have been truly amazed by how much God has allowed to happen over the last year at the Canopy Life Campus! We’ve had the privilege of a front row seat to all of these happenings on our campus, and we want to share a bit of that with you through our 2021...
WHERE WE’VE BEEN: Our 2021 Annual Report

WHERE WE’VE BEEN: Our 2021 Annual Report

A letter from our Founder, Christi Gordy from our 2021 Annual Report: “We have had a tremendous year of growth both physically and spiritually at Canopy Life. I am excited to share with you our first annual report of our work. As you will see in this blog post,...
Understanding why we send Americans to Kenya

Understanding why we send Americans to Kenya

If you’re reading this and you have been on a short term mission trip, it may be a big part of your story. Your experience, or experiences, may even be a turning point in your life…an incredibly important part of who you are. It was for all of us that work...