Canopy Life students began this year by learning about God’s family. What makes us part of God’s family? How do we fit into God’s family? What is the identity God has given to each of us? Students were challenged to search for answers to these questions in many creative and surprising ways. One approach was to participate in a drum circle.

We began by exploring different sounds that can be made on the drum, or in our case, the bucket. As students developed drum technique they discovered what happens when different rhythms come together to create music. Students then learned a drum piece consisting of four complementary parts. Check out the end result below and keep an eye out for our soloists, Mercy, Samuel, and Brian!


In true Canopy fashion, we didn’t stop there. After students experienced the drum circle, they were challenged to create their own drum pieces. Once students worked out their rhythms in groups, we decided to throw in a little twist. Students prepared their final pieces by choosing from balloons, chopsticks, bottle caps, shakers, and of course buckets. Each group composed their own piece and used different sounds to add whimsy to their compositions.

So what does a drum circle have to do with God’s family? As students played and composed different complementary parts, they experienced the beauty of distinct rhythms coming together in unity and harmony. This picture of harmony gives us a glimpse into God’s heart for his family. Each of us has been created differently, with great care and purpose. Christ unites us into one family where our differences strengthen each other. No longer do we have to compare ourselves or define our value by our talents. Instead, God’s word has become our truth, and in that truth we are free to discover his unique calling on our lives. Canopy students have only begun this journey, but we can’t wait to see where God leads them as they learn more about their place in God’s family.

Ephesians 2:10

10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

