Canopy Life Academy is more than a school, it’s a family. And you are part of our family. As we bring in a new class of fourth graders and graduate our current students to fifth grade, it’s time for us to expand our “canopy” for 2016.

Tomorrow you can play a part in helping us provide for our growing family by participating in Giving Tuesday. This day is an opportunity for you to send a special financial gift or get a jump on your year-end giving.

Giving Tuesday 01

Your gift on #GivingTuesday will help us:

  • Advance our first ten students from the fourth to fifth grade class.
  • Welcome ten new bright-eyed fourth graders.
  • Grow our teaching staff as our student base grows.
  • Provide a nurturing home and creative classrooms.

We can’t say thank you enough for the generous support shown all year long to Canopy Life Academy and its students. It is a blessing to our staff and home team members to witness God’s people using their resources to serve others. And we hope that during this Christmas season, you will feel the blessing of this overflow of generosity as well.

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