This year at Canopy Life, we wanted to make it a priority to engage our students’ families more deeply into our story. With some intentionality and planning, we brought the mothers of our Canopy Life students together for a 3-day seminar!

Our awesome Kenyan Communications Intern, Hanna, interviewed some of our staff that attended the event and wrote this great summary of the experience they all shared. Check it out below…

Engaging our students’ families is transformative

“Canopy Life recently hosted a 3-day seminar in Kerugoya, Kenya with the mothers of the students at Canopy Life, and to say it was extraordinary would be an understatement. When I asked Mercy, our HomeLife intern, about her experience, she couldn’t contain her joy. Mercy shared that connecting with the parents of our students gave her a new, more inspiring perspective on each of the kids we work with.

One of the standout moments during the seminar was the swimming session. Mercy described it as a fantastic opportunity for bonding outside the classroom setting. The mothers particularly appreciated having their own accommodations, which enhanced their overall experience.

The seminar covered a range of important topics, including parenting heritage, conflict resolution, and bridging generational gaps. These topics are crucial as these parents navigate raising children from a different generation in what feels like an ever-changing world.

Our staff shared uplifting stories about how Canopy Life has transformed their children’s lives. Many of the mothers expressed that they look forward to school breaks because their children have become not just great companions to them, but also valued members of their communities—a testament to Canopy Life’s mission and vision!

What sets Canopy Life apart is its holistic approach, not only nurturing the children’s well-being but also actively engaging with their parents. Our aim is not just to prepare these children to change the world, but to ensure they grow in a supportive home environment where they can thrive.”

We are so grateful for the opportunity to spend time with our students’ mothers and look forward to more opportunities to bring them together as we learn and grow as a school and organization!