In episode 6, we’re interviewing Delight, Joshua, and Gladys, 3 new Class 4 students at Canopy Life Academy. These little world-changers have been on our campus since January, and they are loving their time there. We’ve got the highlights here, but trust us when we tell you that there is no possible way to fully capture their cuteness in blog form. Go listen to the podcast. It will be 9 minutes you won’t regret.
Since coming to Canopy Life, Gladys loves reading her Bible…
My favorite thing about Canopy Life is that everybody here reads the bible and prays. When I was back at my [former] school, I didn’t read my Bible everyday. When I have been told by my Mother to read my Bible, I was just being forced to read, but now, nobody forces me to read it. Even I carry it from class and bring it here and start reading.
Gladys, Class 4 student
Delight basically loves everything about Canopy Life…
I like Canopy because we have Innovation class. We have good teachers. Even I like the building. The photos are smart. Even I like the sitting room. I like the the visitors who are coming to visit us. I like Canopy because we do activities outside, like the shamba (garden). We are planting some things.
Delight, Class 4 student

These kids filled us in on their favorite colors, activities, and their favorite things to do at Canopy Life. Check out the podcast to hear the full interview!