We’re excited to announce that Canopy Life is building a new campus in Koma Hill, Kenya! We’ve secured two acres of land (over EIGHT TIMES the size of our current plot) about an hour north east of Nairobi, and are getting it ready with utilities and security.

This has been a long, exciting, and sometimes daunting journey for us as we have sought out God’s next steps for our ministry. As you know, in late spring of this year, we faced tensions in our current neighborhood that escalated quickly. We decided to relocate our children to a partner school where we could continue our programs in a slightly scaled-back manner while we figured out the next steps. Even our prior announcement of getting a place of our own was with a different vision in mind. Through it all, our board, staff and supporters have been so faithful to pursue God and pray for the right steps, and it looks like a home of our own is where God and prayer has led!

We will be posting a LOT in the weeks to come about our vision and how you can get involved, but here’s the basics:
1) Our new campus is going to allow us to DOUBLE OUR NUMBERS to 48 students within the next 14 months.
2) Our hope is for this new home to be creative, innovative, sustainable and full of heart.
3) We will need YOUR help to get there!
Our goal is to raise $350,000 before the end of this year. Because God is just showing off with Canopy these days, He has provided a matching grant through a very generous donor for HALF of what we need. That means that any gift given before December 31, 2017, will be matched up to $175,000! Please begin praying about how you and your family can participate in this awesome adventure by giving a holiday gift or year-end charitable donation toward our campus. Anything you give will be DOUBLED IN IMPACT by our matching donor.
If you know you’d like to give, you can
pledge in advance here or go ahead and
give here toward our new campus. You can also pledge and send in checks made out to Canopy Life to PO BOX 500942, Atlanta, GA 31150.
Canopy Life is a 501c3 charitable organization.
We’re excited to hear from you! And, as always, we can’t wait to see what God’s going to do!