There are so many magical moments that happen on Canopy Life trips. From colorful sunsets on safari to making slime with the kids, these moments leave imprints on the hearts of both Canopy Life students and those who jump at the chance to adventure with us.

Abi Mason teaches Canopy Life ballet

This summer, our team had the privilege of watching Abi Mason teach ballet to Canopy Life students.  It didn’t take long for us to see Abi was created to dance. Even more, she was created to worship. The shining eyes of our students was proof that this was one of those “magical moments.”

It’s no surprise our students loved working with Abi since dance is a rich part of Kenyan culture. However, it is rare for students in Kenya to have the opportunity to have arts appreciation experiences like Abi’s ballet class. When we were given beautiful dance costumes, we knew it was time Canopy Life experienced the beauty of ballet!

Worship + Dance

At Canopy Life, we love to teach our students about God through the arts. So, this wasn’t just any dance lesson. Our students learned that they could worship their Creator with their whole life- even through dance! Abi and the students danced barefoot together on the lawn of the hotel. Her testimony – to put God first – was lived out in front of those who watched:

“I had grown up hearing you can worship God through your dancing, but it wasn’t until a few years ago that I truly experienced what that meant for me. For many years dance was my life. It was a hard balance keeping God above all else and not letting it become the most important thing in my life. It took me years before I realized that if what was first in my heart was dance, then all I would be able to think about was how perfect I was doing it.  But if I put God first, it allows everything else to take a back seat.”

Pure joy

Of course, we think our students are awesome, but what about our team members? Well, there seems to be a common sentiment from our team members who work with Canopy Life students:  Their joy is contagious.

“My favorite part about teaching Canopy Life kids was their thirst for knowledge and their smiles when they learn something new. Their focus was so incredible, and they are so talented! I loved how quickly they picked up the movements and their pure joy at just being free to dance.” -Abi

These “magical moments” happen when our team and staff allow God to work through them, and you could be a part of one of these moments, too! This video is adorable, but believe us when we say, there’s nothing like experiencing it firsthand in Kenya.

What are you waiting for?!

Our 2019 travel dates are up!  Come adventure with us, and see for yourself.

Canopy Life trips